Thursday, April 16, 2009

So excited about...

Ai-da! Ai-da! Ai-ii-da! (I'm singing it in case you can't tell!) I have been waiting for this one for what? 2 years? Yay!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and I read Rachel's blog -- audition dance?! How come I know nothing about this?! Oh, Scot-ta.......????????? :)


Me said...

Oh, didn't you get the memo? You don't know about the audition dance because, well, you're not invited to the audition. We didn't want to tell you that we don't want you.

I hate being the one who has to break it to you, but you deserve to know.


KG said...

I see now. I should have known... it is all becoming are slowly eliminating all of the competition...First you muscled people away to keep them from stealing your spots, then you subversively got people married and accepted to other schools to get them out of the picture, then you (so threatened by her ability) pushed poor Betsy off the stage, and now you have moved on to me. All these theater classes have gone straight to your head and you have become too engorged with the power. I better warn Nikki that she is next; HA! you will soon be trying to take over Scotty's job -- you have just been playing nice but I have seen the REAL feeling expressed about him. OOOOOOHH, you are a sneaky one, Rachel! But I am on to you! There is no stopping me now that I have figured it out! HHHMMMMWWWWAAAAAHHHH HA HA! (evil laugh)...


ScottyLC said...

Two things: First, you know how "special" Rachel is when dancing. For the saftey of other performers, it is best she be familiar with the dance. Second, what Kelly has shown her is really the wrong dance. I just want to see her flopping about like a headless chicken. We all deserve a good laugh at the expense of Rachel... oh, wait, we already do get good laughs at her expense... especially when she is not around. Remeber the time when... she might read this, I better stop there.

Me said...

Kathi, Kathi, Kathi. You're making dangerous assumptions that could possibly have dangerous results. I would watch my back if I were you.
Francee was fairly easy to dispose of. All I had to do was a little talk of how it wasn't worth it for the "measly parts," and how we had to shoot for the stars and, kapow, it was done.
As for Justin all I had to was mention the perks on being married vs. being in the waste town called Overlook theatre, and he scurred off.
Taylor was harder. She didn't know it, but I auditioned as well, right after her. Except you can call it less of an audition and more of a pay off.
Betsy: Her ability is quite incomparable, and why yes, so what if it was dark, and I just happened to come on a little early?
You may think you have me figured out, oh yes, you may, but no one will believe you. I'm Scotty's brain child, and as for you, you're just the woman who's jealous of my unquestionable talent.

P.S. You're next.

You're a jerk. I don't believe a single foul thing that comes out of your mouth you rat.