Tuesday, July 15, 2008

All Done!

One more show over and done with -- alas! I have to say, I did not enjoy this one as much at first, but I definitely had more fun once the show got an audience. I love MOST of the people in the cast (too bad you can't see my devilish grin here as I type the all caps :~} ) and I will miss giggling and gossiping and grimacing with them. However, I will NOT miss screaming on stage and stomping around or squating so much -- I feel like the character was rubbing off on me and my knees have also really rebelled! :) It is always loads of fun, and thanks to everyone for a good show!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well, the store is about a month off schedule; it was originally slated to open this past weekend, but now they are telling us the first of August. UGH! I will just barely have enough time to get it running before I have to go back to school (which is really what the "UGH" is about, I think!) My husband is especially tired of having inventory all over the house waiting to be moved in to the store! If you know of anyone who would like to work Mon-Fri. about 10:00-4:00 and has the personality and creativity to work retail -- let me know!!! I am now in the process of trying to get that set up and have a person ready to start work when we open.

(Apparently this is what I look like)

It is a funny thing about women, I guess -- we can know the truth about something and it is just fine for us to say it, but WOE to anyone else who says it. For instance, I know that I should not eat an ice cream cone because it goes straight to my already big butt, but I DO NOT need someone else telling me I don't need to eat one!