Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Who Wants to be a Superhero

It's BAAACCCKKK! The ever cheesy and hysterical Stan Lee show is back for a second season, believe it or not. FUNNY!! I especially like the superhero wannabe who uses his sweat as a weapon and the one who uses the cleaning supplies to defeat the evil wall of funk! I feel another show night coming on!! :) I think it starts tomorrow night -- Oh, Scooottttyyyy...

check out the site...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Who needs sleep?

I am running on about 3 hours of sleep today; I couldn't settle down last night and finally fell asleep around 5:30 this morning. Thinking of bills, paint, decorations, husband being gone, kids (and dog) crowding me in the bed, more bills, what comes next in the house, how it will all fall in line, what I will teach in AP next year, how I feel like I failed some of my AP kids because they did not do better on their test, what I plan to do differently, how I really can't wait to do Annie Get Your Gun, how I really need to find a job, how disappointed and hurt I am that my business venture seems to be out the window and has put me in the stressful situation, how I really am tired and want to go to sleep, etc. Whew! I makes to me tired to relive it!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


I have to make a very difficult choice; do I do what I love or do I do what is going to be most beneficial? It kind of sounds easy when put like that. I absolutely love doing the musicals; in fact, I almost live for it and do not know what to do with myself if I am not doing a play. However, building this house is causing me to stress about whether or not we can make the payments; therefore, I feel like I need to get a second job. If I get another job then I will have to work evenings when school starts back and that would make the 7:00 play practices impossible for me to do. I do not want to take away the time I spend with my kids in the summer or the time that I am home in the school year AND I do not want to miss being a part of the fall show, yet I can't sleep at night for worrying about having enough money. As it is, we can't get any of the new furniture to put in the house that we wanted. I guess it should be a no-brainer, but that does not make it any easier!

Monday, July 9, 2007


I love the view from my porch!

Well, the outside of the house is painted and drywall is being finished today; maybe next week I can start painting the inside so I won't have to do it when the flooring and cabinetry is in.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


I am so sad because our kitty cat is missing; he has been gone for a couple of days. The worst thing about it is seeing my daughter so upset every time we open the door. The cat is hers and she is heartbroken and afraid that something happened to the cat. It is one thing to deal with the loss of a pet yourself, but it is entirely different and MUCH harder to see your children hurting and not be able to do anything about it! I am so hoping that he is just off roaming aroung looking for a girlfriend and that he will come back very soon -- I miss his little face and his sweet purring.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Little Things That Make Me Happy

Yesterday I picked out the countertops for my new house, and the one for my kitchen makes me so happy!! I have been so worried about getting the right one to match the colors that I want to use and that will bring everything together; I have actually been losing sleep because my husband kept putting it off and I was afraid of not being able to find the right thing. BUT... now it is done and I only have to worry about it turning out right now! :) It is such an insignificant thing, but it makes me so happy.

10 Other little things that make me feel full of happiness:

1. sitting on my new deck watching the sunset
2. my children kissing my cheek and telling me they love me
3. seeing a silly kids movie and listening to a little boy in the back say "Wow! That was quite an adventure!" after the rat went down a sewer waterfall
4. my little dog curled up behind me on the couch with his head over on my shoulder trying to lick my ear
5. no dirty dishes in my sink to wash
6. getting the news that the AP audit syllabus that I worked on for 3 months at school last semester passed
7. having actual walls up in my house instead of just studs
8. Enntemen's devil's food cake donuts with the crumbs and powdered sugar on top and a tall glass of milk
9. Dr. Pepper
10. my husband actually being home before 5:00 today (instead of 8-9:00 that it has been since school let out)

I like finding happiness in little things!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

I love 4th of July! I love the fireworks, I love that I can spend it with my family usually, I love that people here wear red/white/blue, and I especially love the freedom we have in this country! I weep during the National Anthem and "God Bless America" and everytime someone honors the veterans. I am so thankful that I live in America, and even with all of its faults, it is still a wonderful country and I am proud to be an American.

I love this article and the spirit of America that is shows:,4670,ODDStarSpangledDiner,00.html

Have a great Independence Day and remember to thank a veteran!

Monday, July 2, 2007


I wonder if everybody thinks the same way about his/her place in the family. I feel like the failure in my family and the one on the outside. My sisters are beautiful, stylish, successful, smart, talented, well-liked, well-off, and great at everything they do. Then there is me... I am not good at much, average and plain, overweight and struggling with it, one of the lowest paid professionals, without many close friends to hang out with, etc. I know they look at me and wonder how I came to be in the family; maybe they were right all those years ago when they teased me and told me I was really adopted.