Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Little Late...

We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary on Thursday; I can't believe it has been that long -- it seems like it was yesterday, and I still feel like I am 23 and married to my sweetheart! We had a very nice time going out for a quiet dinner and rented a movie that we actually got to watch in peace and quiet. I guess that is about as romantic as it gets after 15 years! Just kidding! It was very nice!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

My Favorite Things...

My favorite things about summer vacation are (in random order):

1. sleeping in (sometimes until 10:30 even!)
2. making breakfast with my kids
3. watching TV shows in the daytime that I never get to see
4. reading books that are NOT classics (or even considered literature!) that I can
finish in a few hours
5. getting so engrosed in said books that I stay up until 2:00 am reading in my
bathroom or by the light of the TV just to finish it
6. being able to play games with my kids on the floor for hours on end
7. going to the pool
8. NOT having to teach anything English to anyone at anytime
9. having clean dishes and clean laundry
10. not having to leave the house if I do not want to

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


"No more reading, no more books, no more students' dirty looks!!!"

I feel the Hallelujah Chorus welling up inside me as I type this! You ought to be glad you aren't here to listen to me shriek it!!!