An update for those who are very sweetly keeping up with our house progress...
We are waiting for the power company to hook us up -- when they do, we will have power and water. Then I can finish painting the touch-up spots and see where I have missed. Once the power (and air) is on, we will bring the hardwood in to climatize before we lay it.
We are waiting for my railing on my stairs to be completed -- there have been a few gliches with its progress, the latest one being that the last box of spindle-things were the wrong ones. All is done except for first landing of the stairs, and that should be done in about 3 days.
We found out we need risers on our basement stairs in order to get our CO, so my husband is working on that.
We are waiting for the carpet layer to call us back with the final measurements so we can pick up our carpet and get that installed.
That is all. We are so close, though, that it is getting REALLY hard to wait anymore. This little place we are living in is SO small right now we are about to kill each other!!!!!!
Java and Jewels
8 years ago