So my new employee is doing well -- she has jumped right in there (and thinks she owns the place, I think!) but she is one of those people who have the habit of calling everyone a pet name like honey, sweetie, sister, etc. The one that really got me, though, is when she called me kiddo. OK, she is a few years older than me but not by much, and I am her boss, so I can't really get my head around the fact that she referred to me as kiddo! :) She also feels the need to give me advice on what I should do or information on the vendors I have been dealing with for weeks like I have never met them. AH, well, at least she shows up, does her job, and I don't have to worry about it!
In my other life, Seussical is very fun. I am so tired (like everyone else right now) that I don't put forth all the energy that I need, but I really need the costume and the audience to feel like the character. I can't get over how many people are in the cast and on the stage and how much more crowded it will be when we all get out HUGE costumes on. I am afraid that some little children will die soon if they don't quit being so annoying...
I am still working on my National Board Certification, which has to be mailed by the 31st of THIS month -- YIKES!!!!!!!!!! I still have so much to do and not enough time to do it in! Once the show is over next week I will have to devote all my time to working on that. I may have to even do that instead of working at the store a few days.
I don't have any other life outside of these 3 things so that wraps up everything new with me. It is all fun and tiring and exciting and wonderful and crazy; that is the way life should be, I guess!