I am used to running 100 miles an hour with my pants on fire -- I live a very hectic and busy life, but this week was one of the most tiring. Here was my schedule:
Monday: I taught school all day, was home for 1 hour and 15 minutes -- long enough to clear out my car, pack my suitcase, pack my kids' lunches for the next 2 days, leave notes for my husband about pick up and drop off times, etc, load my car, and throw a load of clothes in the dryer. I then dropped my kids off at gymnastics and hit the road for Atlanta.
Tuesday: my sister and I hit the ground running at 6:45, trying to get as much of the 18 floors (about 30 stores on each floor) of the gift mart in. I literally made 10 trips to the car (consisting of going down to the 2nd floor, outside, up the elevator to the 3rd floor and up the far ramp to the car dragging 3 rolling suitcases full of stuff) to unload what we bought and going back up to pack more in the suitcases. Finally we stopped around 3:45 to sit (the only time all day) and have a soda and a snack. We then hit the temporary vendors until they closed at 6:30. We got back to the hotel, got 2 luggage carts and 3 bell boys to help us carry everything to the room so we could inventory it and account for the money spent. We went to the club room for appetizer-type stuff for dinner and back to the room to finish inventorying. We finally hit the beds about 10:30.
Wednesday: we started all over again around 7:00, this time I only made 6 trips to the car. We actually got to eat lunch, and we finished about 3:00. We went back to the hotel, inventoried what we bought, and loaded my car (with every available space taken up). I hit the road around 4:30 to come back home. I pulled in my driveway at 7:10, unloaded my car, left at 7:40 to go to choir practice, went to the grocery story at 8:45, went to my classroom to drop off the food and drinks for Thursday's AP class, and got home at 10:00. I then packed my kids' lunches, threw a load of laundry on, and crashed.
Thursday: my AP students had their test today, so I was at school by 7:45 to set up the food and drinks for them and to wish them good luck before the test. I taught all day, dropped my daughter off, took my son to gymnastics at 4:30, and went to work at the restaurant. I got home at 8:45 and did my usual nightly routine of lunches and laundry.
Friday: I taught all day and went to work at 3:30 at the restaurant. I got home at 9:30, did the dishes that were all over the counter and sink, and crashed finally about 11:00.
Saturday: I had to take my daughter to get a birthday present for a party she had and fax some info to my sister, so I got up and got ready for work, was at school at 9:15 to fax the stuff, went to Wal-Mart to get a present, was back at my house at 10:15 to drop my kids off, and headed to work at 10:30. I worked at the gem show until 4:30, left, and went to the restaurant at 5:00 and got home at 9:45. I took a long, hot bath and crashed because I could hardly walk!!!!
I know everyone has busy lives and lots of stuff going on, but I think I am getting too old for all this running. I don't think my legs and feet have EVER been this tired!