Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rants and Raves

We have a section in our local paper for people to vent and not have to be accoutable for what they say; I absolutley HATE reading them because they usually make me mad, but I decided I am going to have my own section anyway. I guess I can't make myself too mad~


  1. I love the really talented and fun people I do the shows with; everyone works hard and brings such unique and individual personalities to every show.
  2. I like my classes this year; the students in them are fun to have in class.
  3. My kids are sweet and wonderful!
  4. I love it when people aren't afraid to stand up to individuals who do nothing but try to complain and stir up trouble. I wish I could do that instead of running to avoid an argument.
  5. I love people who are genuinely nice and kind people. (I feel like I should burst into a Barbara Streisand song here...Oh, help me please!!!)
  6. I love music -- all kinds of music!
  7. I love Dr. Pepper -- way too much right now. I think I am addicted to it in order to stay awake, so I guess that is not a good thing, but I love it anyway!
  8. I think it is fun to get costumes for my kids for Halloween and see them get all excited about dressing up and having fun. I also like to raid their candy for any Reese's cups or Whoppers, or Milk Duds
  9. I love my refrigerator and am so excited about it -- and my washer and dryer too! I can't wait to use them all!!!! (I think I am really sick now that I realize that I just said that! It is very true though!)
  10. I love really hot bubble baths with NO interruptions (even though I have not had one in 10 years!)
  11. I love a really good neck and back massage -- I really need one desperately but can't afford one.


  1. I hate it when people talk out of both sides of their mouths to appease all sides instead of making a stand -- especially when that person is in an authoritative position, like a boss or a SUPERvisor who INTENDs to run an organization of ANTS.
  2. I hate useless, meaningless meetings that last all day and are pointless and take up valuable time and energy
  3. I really hate people who try to impose their own ideas on others and try to make decisions for everyone else based on their own tastes, etc.
  4. I hate people who are so closed-minded that they cannot see past their own viewpoint -- and also those who hold a grudge and can't let things go. I mean, get over yourself already!!!!! Now it just sounds like sour grapes!
  5. I hate it when people sit and stare at themselves, sing to themselves, make faces at themselves, etc. in the mirror backstage during a show
  6. I hate getting my feet wet in the rain -- or worse yet, getting the back of my pant cuffs wet
  7. I dislike alarm clocks and having to get up when it is dark outside (and also those people who are chipper in the morning! Something is really wrong with them. I mean, who can be in a good mood when it is dark, cold, and people should still be under the nice warm covers?!)
  8. I really dislike it when people think they know you and try to judge you based on their own negativity (-- I am NOT a jealous person who is so petty and selfish that I can't be appreciative, supportive, and proud of very talented people who work very hard to be absolutely great at what they do and I AM a person who loves to watch and listen to really talented people do what they do best!)
  9. I hate it when my husband drinks all the milk the day I buy the gallon at the store
  10. I hate scrubbing toilets! ICK!!!

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